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Image colorization

Two attempts at coloring a b-w image: using nearest k-mean colors and using Logistic regression built from scratch using Stochastic Gradient Descent.

Shown: colorized image (on the right) using k-means approach and original image (on the left)

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Gridworld value iteration

Solving a gridworld to demonstrate Markov decision process value iteration.

Shown: estimated reward to reach bottom left goal

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Maze path search

Finding a path in a maze with obstacles to demonstrate different uninformed and informed search algorithms: Depth first search, Breadth first search and A* search.

Shown: path found by A* search

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NATO phonetic alphabet

A word input to NATO/ICAO phonetic alphabet converter to make it easier to relay information over the phone.

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Railway booking system

An online railway booking system to demonstrate a relational database system and queries using MySQL, Java, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), HTML, JavaServer Pages, AWS EC2 and AWS RDS. Different aspects for Customer, Employees (Administrator and Customer Representatives), Schedules, Stations and Reservations.

A group project with Parth Patel, Chenghao Lin and Liyan Yang

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ASCII Chess emulator in Java with valid move checking, Castling, En passant, Pawn promotion, Check and Checkmate identification and draw/resign options, to demonstrate object-oriented design

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Green screen photo editor

JavaScript application to upload and edit a green screen image with background image (given they are same dimensions).

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Accidental drug related deaths

Analyzing and discussing accidental drug related deaths in State of Connecticut using R and RStudio, prediction using a linear model

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